Page:Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1838 Vol.2.djvu/27

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Mr. Winch's Flora of Northumberland, &c. 17

8. C. ficifolium. Fig-leaved Goosefoot.

Sm. Eng. Fl. ii. 13; Eng. Bot. 1724; C. viride. Curt. Fasc. ii. t. 16; C. serotinum, Hudson, 106.
On St. Anthon's, and Sunderland ballast-hills, also by road sides, and on dunghills, N. and D.

9. C. glaucum. Oak-leaved Goosefoot.

Sm. Eng. Fl. ii. 14; Erg. Bot. 1454; With. ii. 370.
By road sides near Ponteland, at Chirton, and on St. Anthon's ballast-hills, N. Near Darlington, D. — Mr. E. Robson. On Sunderland ballast-hills, D. — W. Weighell's Herb.

10. C. olidum. Stinking Goosefoot.

Sm. Eng. Fl. ii. 14; Eng. Bot, 1034; Curt. Fasc. v. t. 20; Hook. Fl. Scot. 83; With ii. 370; C. Vulvaria, Hudson, 107; Woodv. t. 145.
On rubbish at Friar's Goose, near Gateshead, and by road sides near Westoe, D.

11 . C. acutifolium. Sharp Entire-leaved Goosefoot.

Sm. Eng. Fl. ii. 15; Eng. Bot. 1481; C. polyspermum. Curt. Fasc. ii. t. 17; Northumberland and Durham Guide, i. 25; With. ii. 371.
On Sunderland ballast-hills, D.—W. Weighell's Herb.

12. C. maritimum. Sea Goosefoot, Sea Blite.

Sm. Eng. Fl. ii. 16; Eng. Bot. 633; Gr. Fl. Eds. 59; With. ii. 371; Berwick Flora, 65.
On the coast, and in the salt marshes of Tyne, Wear, Tees, &c. N. and D. On Holy Island, and the coast near Beal.—Dr. G. Johnston.

13. C.fruticosum. Shrubby Sea-side Goosefoot.

Hook. Br. Fl. 136; Salsola fruticosa, Sm. Eng. Fl. ii. 18; Eng. Bot. 634; With. ii. 377.
On Willington ballast-hills, N.

101. BETA.

1. B. maritima. Sea Beet.

Sm. Eng. Fl. ii. 17; Eng. Bot. 285; Hook. Fl. Scot. 84; Gr. Fl. Eds. 59.
On the Sea coast near Hartley Pans and Newbiggin, N. On the shore near Ryhope and Sunderland, D.


1. S. Kali. Prickly Salt-wort.

Sm. Eng. Fl. ii. 18; Eng. Bot. 634; Woodv. t. 143; Hook. Fl. Scot. 85; Berwick Flora, 66.
On the sandy sea beach, common.

103. ULMUS.

1. U. campestris. Common Small-leaved Elm.

Sm. Eng. Fl. ii. 20; Eng. Bot. 1836.
In plantations, but not a native of the north of England.

2. U. subcrosa. Common Cork-barked Elm.

Sm. Eng. Fl. ii. 21; Eng. Bot. 2161; U. campestris, Woodv. t. 197.
In woods and hedges, probably indigenous.

3. U. major, Dutch Cork-barked Elm.

Sm. Eng. Fl. ii. 21; Eng. Bot. 2542.
In plantations and hedge rows, but not indigenous. Possibly a cultivated variety of U. suberosa.

4. U. montana. Broad-leaved Elm, Wych Hasel.

Sm. Eng. Fl. ii. 22; Eng. Bot. 1887; Hook. Fl. Scot. 85; Gr. Fl. Eds. 60; Berwick Flora, 66.
In woods and hedges, truly indigenous.

5. U. glabra. Smooth-leaved, or Wych Elm.

Sm. Eng. Fl. ii. 23; Eng. Bot. 2248; U. montana, β, Sm. Fl. Brit. 282.
Near the edges of the moors, N. and D. Probably a variety of the preceding species. I doubt whether our plant be Ulmus glabra, of Lindley.— Syn. 226.


1. C. Epithymum. Lesser Dodder.

Sm. Eng. Fl. ii. 25; Eng. Bot., at p. 378; Hook. Fl. Scot. 86; With. ii. 269; C. europaea, Eng. Bot. t. 55.
Plentiful in 1822, in two clover fields, half a mile west of Stanton, D.—J. Hogg, Esq.
In 1805 and 1814, this proved a destructive weed among the Heaths in Mr. Falla's green-houses, near Gateshead.


1. G. verna. Spring Gentian.

Sm. Eng. Fl. ii. 29; Eng. Bot. 493; With. ii. 381.
In Teesdale Forest, particularly near Wheysyke House, and between it and Widdy-bank, upon the slope that borders the Tees, D. First pointed out to me in 1799, by the Rev. J. Harriman. It also grows in Birkdale, Westmorland, and on Cronkley-fell, Yorkshire, in the same range of mountains.

2. G. Amarella. Autumnal Geutian.

Sm. Eng. Fl. ii. 30; Eng. Bot. 236; Hook. Loud. t. 33; Fl. Scot. 86; Gr. Fl. Eds. 60; With. ii. 382; Berwick Flora, 66.
On limestone pastures, from Sunderland to Castle Eden, and on the Lizard-hills, near Ryhope, in fields near Greencroft, Butsfield, and in Teesdale Forest, D. To the west of Norton, D. — J. Hogg, Esq. In Crag Close, near Barwesford. — Wallis, 217. On the Links below Scremmerston. — Thompson's Berwick Plants. On Holy Island, near Barnborough, Beadnal, Twizell, Hexham, Chollerford, and Hartley, N. β Var. flore albo. In Crag Close, near Barwesford.—Wallis,218.

3. G. campestris. Field Gentian.

Sm. Eng. Fl. ii. 31; Eng. Bot. 237; Hook. Fl. Scot. 86; Gr. Fl. Eds. 60; With. ii. 383; Berwick Flora, 66.
Near Hexham, and on the west sideof Shewing Shields, on the Wallington moors and Cheviot, also on the coast at Newbiggin, N. On the banks beyond Spital, on the links at Goswick, and below Budle. — Thompson's Berwick Plants. In Crag Close, near Barwesford, N.—Wallis, 218. In barren pastures at Butsfield, and in Teesdale, D. Near Teesmouth, D.—J. Hogg, Esq. β Var. flore albo. Near Winch-bridge, Teesdale, D.


1. E. maritimum. Sea Eryngo, Sea Holly.

Sm. Eng. Fl. ii. 35; Eng. Bot. 718; Woodv. t. 102; With. ii. 384; Gr. Fl. Eds. 61.
On the beach near South Shields Law, and at Castle Eden, D. At Seaton, D.—Mr. Backhouse.

2. E. campestre. Field Eryngo.

Sm. Eng. Fl. ii. 35; Eng. Bot. 57; With. ii. 385. Between the Glass-houses and Dent's-hole, and on St. Peter's Quay, below Newcastle, N.— Wilson's Syn. 75. Observed by Mr. Lawson, on the shoreVOL. II. F