Page:Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1838 Vol.2.djvu/37

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Mr. WINCH's Flora of Northumberland, &c.

lands, is a still more unlikely original habitat for it. —See Hook. Fl. Scot, and Lightfoot, 1139.



1. M. Hypopitys. Yellow Bird's-nest.

Sm. Eng. Fl. ii. 249; Eng. Bot. 69; Hook. Lond. t. 105; Fl. Scot. 125; With. ii. 525.
Not unfrequent in the woods near Wark, in Tynedale, and in Ramshaw wood, by the road side near the mill; also on the east side of the ostium of Wark burn, N.—Wallis, 234.
No other botanist has found this rare plant in these counties.


1. A. polifolia. Marsh Andromeda, or Wild Rosemary.

Sm. Eng. Fl. ii. 251; Eng. Bot. 713 (bad); Hook. Fl. Scot. 125; With. ii. 526; Fl. Lapp. 2nd ed. 131, t. l, f. 2 (good).
On the heathy part of Prestwick Carr, and on the Muckle Moss north of the Roman Wall and west of Shewing Shields; also on the Wallington moors, N. On Green Leighton Moss, and at Dardon Lough, N. — Miss Emma Trevelyan.


1. A. Uva-ursi. Red-berried trailing Arbutus.

Sm. Eng. Fl. ii. 253; Eng. Bot. 71-4; With. ii. 527; Light. Fl. Scot.21G, t. 11, fed.; Woodv. t. 70; Stephenson and Churchill's Med. Bot. t. 91, (good); Fl. Lapp. 129, t. G, f. 3.
In the Scar above the High Force, and in Cronkley Scar, Teesdale, D. On the heath on the south side of East Common Wood near Hexham, where it was noticed by Lightfoot; and on Acton Cleugh, five miles north of Blanchland, N. — On Little Waney-house Crag, sparingly, N. — Wallis, 148.

179. PYROLA.

1. P. rotundifolia. Round-leaved Winter-green.

Sm. Eng. Fl. ii. 255; Eng. Bot. 213; Hook. Loud. t. 20; Gr. Fl. Eds. 92; With. ii. 528; Berwick Flora, 93.
In Castle Eden dene, particularly in the north branch, and in Hawthorn dene, D. At Birch Carr, D. — Mr. Janson. In Allerton dene about four miles from Berwick, N. — Dr. G. Johnston.
"Round-leaved Winter. green. On the hedge bank by the road up the hill to Simonburn Castle, and in the bank of wood opposite the west end of the Rectory dene at Simonburn, on the north-east side of the freestone quarry; also on the borders of Ramshaw wood, by the way side near Wark in Tynedale, on the edge of the moor by Diligate Hall near Hexham, and in the Duke of Portland's wood (East Common wood) near that town, N."—Wallis, 223. Both Pyrola media and P. minor, grow at the latter habitat; what species occupy the other localities I have not been able to ascertain.

2. P. media. Intermediate Winter-green.

Sm. Eng.Fl. ii. 256; Eng. Bot. 1945 (very good); Hook. Fl. Scot. 127; Fl. Lond. t. 30; Northumberland and Durham Guide, ii. 19; Berwick Flora, 94.
In Scotswood dene three miies west of Newcastle. —July 16, 1797. Also in East Common Wood near Hexham, N. Near Roadley Lake by the side of the road — Miss Emma Trevelyan. In Longridge dene six miles from Berwick. — Dr. G. Johnston. In Ancroft dene. — Mr. J. Manners, in Berwick Flora. In Howns' wood near Medomsley, and Blackston-bank Wood, four miles north of Wolsingham; also on the edge of the woodland plantations on Lanchester Fell, D. In Skull Wood, D Mr. Jas. Backhouse.

3. P. minor Lesser Winter-green.

Sm. Eng. Fl. ii. 257; Eng. Bot. 158 (very bad); Gr. Fl. Eds. 92; With. ii. 529; P. rosea, Eng. Bot. 2543 (good).
In Gibside woods near the Friar-side gate; also near the Swalwell gate, and on Teesdale Forest, D. In Cocken woods, D. — W. Weighell's Herb. Near Prudhoe Castle, N.— Mr. J. Thornhill, jun. In Arngill, Cow-close- gill, and Hyndon-gilis, which form the Gaunless; also in Skull Wood near south Hamsterley, D. — Mr. J. Backhouse. At Wallington House, and at Roadely; also in East Common Wood, near Hexham, N. In a fir plantation at Catcherside four miles west of Wallington, N.—Miss Emma Trevelyan. In Willymoteswick Dene.— Mr. J. Thompson, Sp. In Callas Wood near Alnwick, N. —Miss Pringle, Sp.

4. P. secunda. Serrated Winter-green.

Sm. Eng. Fl. ii. 257; Eng. Bot. 517; Hook. Fl. Scot. 127; With. ii. 530.
On the borders of Ramshaw Wood by the road side, N. — Wallis, 224. In 1804 I sought it there in vain, and never gathered it in England, except in Ashnessgill above Barrow Force, near Derwentwater, Cumberland.



1. C. alternifolium. Alternate-leaved Golden-saxifrage.

Sm. Eng. Fl. ii. 260; Eng. Bot. 54; Gr. Fl. Eds. 93; With. ii. 531.
In Causey Wood, Ravensworth woods above Mill Green, in woods near EgIestone,and by Pont-burn near Hamsterley, D. — At Baydales near Darlington, D.—Mr. E. Robson. On the banks of Wear opposite Cocken, D. — Mr. J. Thornhill. By St. Mungo's well, at Hall-barns near Simonside —Wallis, 212. In Stamp's plantations between Burrell's cottage and Alnwick moor—Mr. F. Manisty; at Barbary's-bank — Miss Pringle; at Breakback — Miss Forster, delin.; and in Edington Wood near Alnwick, N. — Mr. J. Davison.

2. C. oppositifolium. Opposite-leaved Golden-saxifrage.

Sm. Eng. Fl. ii. 260; Eng. Bot. 490; Curt. Lond. Fasc. ii. 27; Hook. Fl. Scot. 128; Berwick Flora, 94; With. ii. 531.
In watery places, especially in woods.


1. S. stellaris. Hairy Saxifrage.

Sm. Eng. Fl. ii. 264; Eng. Bot. 167; Hook.