Page:Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1838 Vol.2.djvu/419

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at Wallsend Colliery, June, 1835.

clean. The atmosphere was in a very favourable state for the purpose when the furnaces were lighted. The restoration of the colliery to a working state now proceeded with vigour, and coal-work was resumed on the 2d of September.

It now only remains for me to state that the pecuniary distress occasioned to the familes and relatives of the sufferers by the accident was greatly alleviated by the generous sympathy of individuals as well as of the public, as will appear by the amount subscribed for their relief as stated in the Appendix, No. V. The kind personal attention, too, of many humane and feeling neighbours tended greatly to mitigate the grief of the afflicted.VOL. II. 3 Y