Page:Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1838 Vol.2.djvu/58

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Mr. WINCH's Flora of Northumberland, &c.
3. L. hirsutus. Rough-podded Lathyrus.

Sm. Eng. Fl. iii. 275; Eng. Bot. 1255; With. iii. 830.
On Sunderland ballast-hills, D.—W. Weighell's Herb.

4. L. pratensis. Common Yellow Lathyrus, Meadow Vetchling.

Sm. Eng. Fl. iii. 276; Eng. Bot. 670; Curt. Lond. Fasc. iii. t. 44; Hook. Fl. Scot. 213; Berwick Flora, 160.
In hedges, meadows, and pastures, frequent.

294. VICIA.

1. V. sylvatica. Wood Vetch.

Sm. Eng. Fl. iii. 277; Eng. Bot. 805; Curt. Lond. Fasc. vi. t. 52; Gr. Fl. Eds. 157; With, iii. 833; Berwick Flora, 160.
In woods near Barnardcastle and Whorlton, in Stotley Gill near Eglestone, in Castle Eden Dene, on rocks by the Tyne above Hebburn, and in the wood opposite St. Peter's Quay, D. In Cat Dene above Bill Quay, on the Tyne. — Mr. J. Thornhill, jun. — By Bolts Bourn near Stanhope-in-Weardale, D. — W.C. Trevelyan, Esq. — In Bella Wood by the Wear near Durham. — Wilson's Syn. 203. In woods near Hexham, in Ramshaw and Tecket Woods on North Tyne, and on the banks of Irthing near Wardrew Spaw, N. In Roddam Dene. — W. C. Trevelyan, Esq. In the Rectory Wood by the brook at Simonburn. — Wallis, 105. On the banks of Tweed beyond Ord Mill. — Dr. Thompson. In the hedge of the wood between Hawk's Hill and the waggon-way near Alnwick. — Mr. F. Manisty; also in Callas Wood. — Miss Pringle. In Cauldedge Park, N. — Miss Forster, delin.

2. V. Cracca. Tufted Vetch.

Sm. Eng. Fl. iii. 280; Eng. Bot. 1168; Curt. Lond. Fasc. v. t. 54; Hook. Fl. Scot. 214; Berwick Flora, 160.
In hedges, thickets, and meadows.

3. V. sativa. Common Vetch.

Sm. Eng. Fl. iii. 281; Eng. Bot. 334; Hook. Fl. Scot. 215; Berwick Flora, 160.
β Ray Syn. 321; With. iii. 835, var. 2.
γ V. angustifolia, Sm. Eng. Fl. iii. 282; Sibthorp, 224; Eng. Bot. 2614; V. sativa, With. iii. 835, var. 3; V. sativa γ, Fl. Brit. 770.
α On cultivated land. β on barren ground, γ on the sea banks between South Shields and Whitburn D. At Cullercoats, Newbiggin, and on Ratcheugh Crag, near Alnwick, N.

4. V. lathyroides. Spring Vetch.

Sm. Eng. Fl. iii. 283; Eng. Bot. 30; With. iii. 837; Gr. Fl. Eds. 157; Berwick Flora, 161.
At the salt meadows below Gateshead, D. On the Heugh at Holy Island, on Chapel Hill near Belford, and other Basaltic heights between it and Bamborough, N. — Thompson's Berwick Plants.

5. V. sepium. Bush Vetch.

Sm. Eng. Fl. iii. 283; Eng. Bot. 1515; Hook. Fl. Scot. 215; Berwick Flora, 161.
β Ray Syn. 321.
α. In hedges and denes, common. β in hedges between Ryhope and Sunderland, D.

6. V. bithynica. Rough-podded Purple Vetch.

Sm. Eng. Fl. iii. 287; Eng. Bot. 1842; With, iii. 839.
On Sunderland ballast-hills, D.—W. Weighell's Herb.

295. ERVUM.

1. E. tetraspermum. Smooth Tare.

Sm. Eng. Fl. iii. 288; Eng. Bot. 1223; Curt. Lond. Fasc. i. t. 55; Hook. Fl. Scot. 216.
In hedges and corn fields near Newcastle, N. Near Lambton and Darlington, D. At Norton, Billingham, and Wynyard. — J. Hogg, Esq.

2. E. hirsutum. Hairy Tare.

Sm. Eng. Fl. iii. 289; Eng. Bot. 970; Curt. Lond. Fasc. i. t. 54; Hook. Fl. Scot. 216; Berwick Flora, 161.
In fields and meadows, common.


1. O. perpusillus. Common Bird's-foot.

Sm. Eng. Fl. iii. 290; Eng. Bot. 369; Curt. Lond. Fasc. vi. t. 53; Gr. Fl. Eds. 158; With. iii. 840.
On Sunderland ballast-hills and on dry banks near Urpeth, D.


1. H. comosa. Tufted Horse-shoe Vetch.

Sm. Eng. Fl. iii. 291; Eng. Bot. 31; Hook. Fl. Scot. 216; With. iii. 841.
On Cronkley Fell, Teesdale.— Mr. J. Backhouse, Sp.


=1. H. Onobrychis. Saint-foin.

Sm. Eng. Fl. iii. 292; Eng. Bot. 96; With. iii. 842.
In fields near Ryhope and on Harton-down Hill. On the Magnesian Limestone. In a field at the Salt Meadows near Gateshead, D., probably introduced by ballast.— Mr. John Thornhill, jun.


1. A. glycyphyllos. Sweet Milk Vetch, Wild Liquorice.

Sm. Eng. Fl. iii. 294; Eng. Bot. 203; Hook. Fl. Scot. 217; With. iii. 844; Gr. Fl. Eds. 159; Berwick Flora, 161.
On the banks of Wear near Durham, in Pella Wood, at Baydales near Darlington, and on the banks of Tees a little below the Abbey Bridge near Barnardcastle, D. Below Low Conniscliffe, D — S. Robson, Flora, 135. On the banks of Tyne above Ovingham, and at the Hermitage near Hexham, N. At Newburn. — Wilson, Syn. 207. On a hill called Cockle Hill, at Learmouth near Cornhill, upon the ramparts at Wark Castle on the Tweed, by the road to Carham, in hilly pastures at Manylaws under Flodden Hill, and in Warden Banks near Hexham.— Wallis, 106. On the sea banks at Budle, N. — Miss Forster, delin.

2. A. hypoglottis. Purple Mountain Milk Vetch.

Sm. Eng. Fl. 294; Eng. Bot. 274; Sibth. 227; Gr. Fl. Eds. 159; With. iii. 843; Berwick Flora, 161.
On the sandy banks of the sea coast near Whitburn, South Shields, Seaton Carew, and Blackwell Hall, six miles from Hartlepool, D. Near the mouth of Tees, D.— J. Hogg, Esq. On the summit of Ratcheugh Crag near Alnwick, and on the links at