Page:Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1838 Vol.2.djvu/96

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Mr. WINCH's Flora of Northumberland, &c.

Perhaps this is nothing but Byssus velutina in old age. — Harriman.

15. V. epigea.

Ach. Syn. 96; Berwick Flora, ii. 102; Lichen terrestris, Eng. Bot. 1681; Sphoeria epigea, Persoon, Syn. Appx. xxvii.
Upon hedge banks and earth, upon the tops of stone fences, N. and D.

16. V. concinna.

Eng. Bot. t. 2623, f. 1.
On the Encrinal Limestone near Middleton and Eglestone, D.


1. E. smaragdulum.

Ach. Syn. 98; Lichen Smaragdulus, Eng. Bot. 1512.
On walls near Eglestone, Butsfield, and the Woodlands, D.

2. E. tephroides, β polythecium.

Ach. Syn. 98; Lichen fuscellus, Eng. Bot. 1500, Turner, Linn. Tr. 7, 90, t. 8, f. 2.
On rocks and stories about Gainford and Eglestone, D. — Rev. J. Harriman.

3. E. Hedwigii.

Ach. Syn. 99; Lichen trapeziformis, Eng. Bot. 595.
On earth in the neighbourhood of Eglestone, D. — Rev. J. Harriman.

4. E. miniatum.

Ach. Syn. 101; E. complicatum, 102; Lichen miniatus, Eng. Bot. 593 and f. 2; Lightfoot, 857.
On rocks of Magnesian Limestone at the Gunners Pool in Castle Eden Dene, and on the Encrinal Limestone near Stanhope-in-Weardale, Middleton-in-Teesdale, Eglestone, and Rokeby, D.

5. E. euplocum.

Ach. Syn. 102; E. miniatum, β pusillum, Wahl. Fl. Lapp. 462; Verrucaria euploca, Eng. Bot. t. 2602, f. 2.
On Sandstone rocks by the Tyne west of Newcastle, N.— Mr. W. Robertson.

6. E. Weberi.

Ach. Syn. 102; Berwick Flora, ii. 103; Lichen aquaticus, Eng. Bot. 594.
On rocks in the Tees below Wycliffe, D. On stones in a bourn on the north side of the Derwent opposite Gibside, D. — Mr. J. Thornhill. In a rivulet in Holwick. — Rev. J. Harriman. On rocks at Cauldron Snout, U. — W. C. Trevelyan, Esq. In the Loughs near the Roman Station at Shewing Shields, in Wooler Water, and in the Irthing at Gilsland, N.


62. P. pertusa.

Ach. Syn. 109; Berwick Flora, ii. 102; Lichen pertusus, Eng. Bot. 677; Lightfoot, 802.
On the bark of trees, common.

2. P. fallax, β hymenia.

Ach. Syn. 110; Lichen hymenins, Eng. Bot. 1731.
On trees near Eglestone, also on the banks of the Derwent near Gibside, and in Horsleyhope Bourn, D. In East Common Wood, and Felton Wood on the Coquet, N.


1. T. lepadinum.

Ach. Syn. 115; Lichen inclusus, Eng. Bot. 678.
On the bark of trees near Eglestone, and in Gibside, Ravensworth, and Cawsey Woods. On Sandstone rocks at Eglestone, D Rev. J. Harriman. On trees in Bearl Wood, East Common Wood, and Felton Woods, N.

2. T. exanthematicum.

Ach. Syn. 116; Lichen exanthematicus, Srn. Tr. Linn. Soc. i. 81, t. 4. f. 1; Eng. Bot. 1184; L. volvatus, Villar's Delph. t. 55; Verrucaria clausa, Hoffm. Fl. Germ. 177.
On Encrinal Limestone rocks near Mr. Morritt's Bridge at Rokeby, and below the New Bridge at Barnardcastle, D.
First found by the Rev. John Harriman. This Lichen, though widely dispersed over Europe, is rare in England, nor does it appear to have been found in Scotland by any Botanist but the late Mr. Dickson. In his Fasc. iii. 14, he gives no precise locality, but merely says "In rupibus Calcareis Scoticis," with us it is confined to the Encrinal Limestone, which it has the property of excavating in the same way as Lecidea immersa, and some other Lichens that grow on chalk and limestone. Its structure is so peculiar that it might constitute a genus.


1. P. umbonata.

Ach. Syn. 121; Verrucaria thelostoma, Northumberland and Durham Guide, ii. 44; Lichen thelostomus, Eng. Bot. 2153. On Basaltic rocks near Eglestone, D.— Rev. J. Harriman.

2. P. nitida.

Ach. Syn. 125; Verrucaria nitida, Northumberland and Durham Guide, ii. 45; Eng. Bot. t. 2607, f. 1; Sphoeria nitida, Sowerby, Fungi, t. 275.
On the bark of trees near Eglestone, and in Horsleyhope Dene, D. In East Common and Oak Wood, N.

3. P. tessellata.

Ach. Syn. 126; Lichen tesselalus, Eng. Bot. 533.
On stones near Gainford, D. — Rev. J. Harriman.

4. P. nigrescens.

Ach. Syn. 126; Verrucaria umbrina, Eng. Bot. 1499.
On stones near Gainford, D. On rocks and old walls near Newcastle, &c., N. and D.

5. P. leucocephala.

Ach. Syn. 126; Verrucaria leucocephala, Eng. Bot. t. 2642, f. 2; Sphoeria lichenoides, Sowerby, Fungi, t. 373, f. 12.
On the bark of old trees in woods, N. and D.


1. V. velata.

Ach. Syn. 129; Lichen velatus, Eng. Bot. 2062.
On the bark of trees in Gibside and Ravensworth Woods, D. In East Common Wood and Felton Woods, N.

2. V. multipunctata.

Ach. Syn. 129; Lichen multipunctatus, Eng. Bot. 2061.
On the bark of trees in Teesdale, also in Gibside and Ravensworth Woods, D. In Felton Woods and Dilston Park, N.

3. V. aspergilla.