Page:Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1838 Vol.2.djvu/99

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Mr. WINCH's Flora of Northumberland, &c.

On Red Sandstone rocks at Hudshead, south of Berwick, N. — Dr. G. Johnston.
Probably only a variety of the preceding species.

35. L. squamulosa.

Hook. Fl. Scot. ii. 50; Lichen squamulosus, Eng. Bot. 2011; Dick. Crypt. Fasc. iv. 22, t. 12, f. 5; Parmelia squamulosa, Northumberland and Durham Guide, ii. 53; L. cervina, Ach. Syn. 188.
On Sandstone rocks upon Muggleswick Fell, and on Basalt near Eglestone, D.

36. L. crassa.

Ach. Syn. 190; Lichen cartilaginus, Lightfoot, 815 L. crassus, Eng. Bot. 1893.
On a rock called the Marble Stone near Middleton-in-Teesdale, D.

37. L. virella.

Ach. Syn. 191; Lichen virellus, Eng. Bot. 1696.
On stone walls near Gainford and Saltwellside, and in the west of the county of Durham, common. Near Ovingham and Hexham, N.

38. L. candelaria.

Ach. Syn. 192; Lichen candelarius, Eng. Bot. 1794; L. concolor, Dick. Crypt. Fasc. iii. 18, t. 9, f. 8.
On trees and stones, frequent.

39. L. hypnorum.

Ach. Syn. 193; L. lepidora, Lich. Univ. 418; Lichen hypnorum, Eng. Bot. 740.
On earth and moss upon stones in Hag Crag Wood, and about Eglestone and Middleton, also in Teesdale Forest, D. On Gunnerton Crags near Barwesford, and at Shewing shields, also on Cheviot, N.

40. L. carnosa.

Hook. Fl. Scot. ii. 51; Lichen carnosus, Eng. Bot. 1684; Dick. Crypt. Fasc. ii. 21, t. 6, f. 7; L. muscorum, Ach. Syn. 193; Lecidea carnosa, Northumberland and Durham Guide, ii. 41.
On stones in Hag Crag Wood in Teesdale Forest, D.

41. L. microphylla.

Lecidea microphylla, Northumberland and Durham Guide, ii. 41; Lichen microphyllus, Eng. Bot. 2128.
On stones near Eglestone, D., but extremely scarce. — Rev. J. Harriman.

42. L. brunnea.

Ach. Syn. 193; Lichen brunneus, Eng. Bot. 1246; L. pczizoides, Dick. Crypt. Fasc. i. 10, t. 11, f. 4.
On the south bank of the Derwent above Blanchland, N. In Howns Wood near Lanchester, and in Teesdale Forest, D.


1. P. glomulifera.

Ach. Syn. 195; Lichen glomuliferus, Lightfoot, 853; Eng. Bot. 293.
On the bark of old trees in Hishope and Horsleyhope Denes, D. In East Common Wood near Hexham, N. In the neighbourhood of Romaldkirk. — Rev. J. Harriman.

2. P. caperata.

Ach. Syn. 196; Lichen caperatus, Eng. Bot. 654.
On rocks near Heddon-on-the-Wall, and at West Dipton near Hexham, N. In the vicinity of Romaldkirk. — Rev. J. Harriman.

3. P. scortea.

Ach. Syn. 197; Lichen, scorteus, Eng. Bot. 2065.
On trees, and the thatched roof of the house at Foggerforth near Eglestone, D. — Rev. J. Harriman.

4. P. herbacea.

Ach. Syn. 198; Lichen herbaceus, Hudson, 544; L. laete-virens, Eng. Bot. 294.
On trees in Horsleyhope and Hishope Denes, also on stones and trees in Shipley Wood near Eglestone, D. In Irehope Dene, Weardale, D. — W.C. Trevelyan, Esq. In woods near Healy Field, D.— Mr. R. Waugh and Mr. J. Thornhill.

5. P. olivacea.

Ach. Syn. 200; Berwick Flora, ii. 79; Lichen olivaceus, Eng. Bot. 2180.
On the bark of trees, common.

6. P. parietma.

Ach. Syn. 200; Berwick Flora, ii. 80; Lichen parietinus, Eng. Bot. 194.
On trees, walls, and stones, common.

7. P. plumbea.

Ach. Syn. 202; Lichen plumbeus, Eng. Bot. 353; Lightfoot, 826, t. 26.
On trees near Healy-field, and Middleton-in-Teesdale, also on trees and stones in woods near Eglestone, D.

8. P. rubiginosa.

Ach. Syn. 202; P. affinis, Northumberland and Durham Guide, ii. 56; Lichen affinis, Eng. Bot. 983.
On trees in Charnberry and Eglestone Woods, D.

9. P. omphalodes.

Ach. Syn. 203; Berwick Flora, ii. 82; Lichen omphalodes, Eng. Bot. 604.
On rocks and stones upon moors, in sub-alpine situations, D. and N.

10. P. saxitilis.

Ach. Syn. 203; Berwick Flora, ii. 81; Lichen saxatilis, Eng. Bot. 603.
On rocks, stones, and trees, in sub-alpine situations.

11. P. fahlunensis.

Ach. Syn. 204; Lichen fahlunensis, Eng. Bot. 653.
On stones and rocks upon the moors in Teesdale and Weardale, also near Butsfield and Horsleyhope, D. On Cheviot, N.

12. P. stygia.

Ach. Syn. 204; Lichen stygeus, Eng. Bot. 2048.
Upon stones on moors near Butsfield, D.

13. P. aquila.

Ach. Syn. 205; Berwick Flora, ii. 80; Lichen aquilus, Eng. Bot. 982; L. pullus, Lightfoot, 825.
On Basaltic rocks at the Heugh on Holy Island, and on the Fern Islands, N. On Sandstone rocks at Hartley Bates, N. — Mr. J. Thornhill. On rocks at Hudshead, N.— Dr. G. Johnston.

14. P. recurva.

Ach. Syn. 206; Lichen incurvus, Eng. Bot. 1375; L. multifidus, Dick. Crypt. Fasc. iii. 16, t. 9, f. 7.
On Sandstone rocks, on Beamish Moor, and Eglestone Fell, D. Upon Porphyry on Hedgehope and Cheviot, N.

15. P. conspersa.

Ach. Syn. 209; Benwick Flora, ii. 82; Lichen conspersus, Eng. Bot. 2097.
On rocks and stone walls near Middleton-in-Teesdale, D. On the banks of North Tyne near Warden Mill, D.VOL II. A a