Page:Transactions of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, volume 4.djvu/260

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Classes of diseases. Individual diseases. Three years. 1810 to 1812. Three years. 1819 to 1821. Eleven years. 1823 to 1833. Total diseas. in 17 years. Total Diseas. in each class.
IV. Diseases of the fluids, &c. Plethora 7 7
Gout 2 2
Dropsical affections, chiefly ascites and anasarca[1] 17 33 102 152
Cachexy and chronic debility 41 57 98
Scorbutus 1 1
Purpura 1 1 2
Diabetes [2]6 1 1 8
Erysipelas 19 2 55 76 346
V. External Scrofula. External Scrofula, including rockets, enlarged glands, diseased joints, cutaneous ulcers. 28 37 188 253 253
VI. Scirrhus and cancer. Scirrhus and cancer.[3] 6 12 24 42 42
VII. Diseases of the head and throat. Amaurosis and blindness. 18 18
Ophthalmia 60 31 133 224 30-9
Otitis and Otalgia 3 6 9
Epistaxis 2 1 3
Parotitis (mumps) 4 7 1
Bronchocele 1 7 11
Cynanchetonasillaris pharyngea. 8 4 50 62
Ptyalism chronic 1 1
Aphtha 1 7 9
Odontalgia 24 24
Deafness 16 16
Aphonia 2 2 386
  1. In column two, are included general dropsy or anasarca 26; ascites, 4; hydro thorax, 3. In column three, the distinction is only made during the last live years, during which the total cases are 54, viz. anasarca, 36; ascites, 18.
  2. No doubt the greater number of the cases included in column one, were not the proper diabetes, D. mellitus.
  3. In column two, the cases were the following:—cancer of the uterus, 1; mamma, 4; eye, 1; lip, 1; cardia, 1; pylorus, 4.