Page:Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society - Volume 1.djvu/20

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Report of Proceedings.

of the Society. Some other points likewise, that were to be brought before the meeting, were noticed in the circular letter, in order to put the Members distinctly in possession of all the topics, that were to come under their consideration.

The Meeting, accordingly, took place, at the Thatched House, St. James's Street.

Henry Thomas Colebrooke, Esq., was called to the Chair.

With a view to the ballot, Henry St. George Tucker, Esq., and W. H. Trant, Esq., were nominated Scrutineers.

Before the ballot, commenced, the Chairman desired leave to address the Meeting: he delivered a discourse, in which he developed the views of the Society, and the purposes for which it was instituted. This discourse having been received with marked approbation, by the Meeting, it was moved that it should be printed; and, likewise, that the thanks of the Meeting should be given to the Chairman: which propositions, being respectively seconded, were adopted unanimously by the Meeting.

The Chairman proceeded to announce to the Meeting, that His Majesty, King George the Fourth, had been graciously pleased to declare himself Patron of the Asiatic Society;

Farther, that the Most Noble the Marquis Wellesley, and the Most Noble the Marquis of Hastings were nominated Vice-Patrons;

And lastly, that the President of the Board of Commissioners for the Affairs of India, for the time being, would always be a Vice-Patron.

The following Resolutions were next proposed by the Chairman, and approved by the Meeting: