Page:Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, volume 1.djvu/25

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The Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene




(Read at the First Ordinary Meeting of the Society, June 26th, 1907.)

I TRUST that it does not augur badly for the success of the Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene that its first President has to commence his Inaugural Address with an apology. Such, unfortunately, is the case. I intended to devote some time to preparation, but having been called on unexpectedly to take part in the recent International Conference on Sleeping Sickness, I have been so occupied that I have not been able to find adequate time or to give that care to preparation that the importance of this occasion demands. I apologise in advance, and trust you will be indulgent to my shortcomings.

Before proceeding further, I wish to express my appreciation of the compliment the Council has paid me in electing me the first President of the Society, a Society which, although the youngest, has some reason to expect that it will be one of the most useful and fruitful of the medical institutions of the country. During nearly the whole of ray professional life tropical disease has interested me, and as opportunity offered I have endeavoured to follow up the subject, and, if I may be allowed the expression, to forward the interests of the cause. Now that I am fast approaching the end of my career, to find that these