Page:Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, volume 1.djvu/313

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one of them affected the scrotum and the neck ; in the other the scrotum only. The patients complained of pruritis at the seat of the eruption, but the general health was not impaired. In both cases the features of the eruption were identical : there were a few rings with thick elevated margins, the encircled skin being black — much darker than the healthy skin surrounding it, but not thickened or presenting papules or vesicles ; the edge, as already stated, was thick, much elevated, of a dark colour, with the upper portion pinkish or occasionally covered by a dark crust.

As regards the course of the disease, in one of the patients it healed without any treatment, leaving dark patches at the previous seat of the lesions. In the other case, Tr. iodine was used.

The Fungus. — On examining in Liq. potassse scrapings from, the edge of the patches, a fungus with the characters of a trichophyton was found in both cases. The spores, which were extremely rare, were roundish, rather large (4 m.) with a double contour. The mycelial tubes were straight, also with a double contour ; occasionally they appeared to be dichotomous. I did not succeed in growing the fungus, either by Sabouraud's or any other media. I suggest for this fungus the name Trichoj^hyton ceylonense, and for the affection the term Tinea nigro- circinata.

Tinea Rosea.

I may also describe here a new derraatomycosis which has been called 1. rosea, although it is not due to a trichophyton, but is caused by a fungus of the genus Malassezia.

Tinea Rosea. — This dermatomycosis is faii'ly common among Europeans. It generally appears on the chest, axillary regions and back, and never involves the face,