Page:Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, volume 1.djvu/324

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ordinary media besides sugar agar. He could certainly say that in the Tropics various forms of trichophytosis were found in the dog, and in Ceylon, as well as in this country, in the horse, cat, etc. He was not in a position to say definitely whether the special trichophytosis he had recently described, affected animals. He did not think, however, that Tinea intersecta was of animal origin. In the lower animals he had never seen a similar trichophytosis, but it was quite possible that future investigation would show that the Tinea intersecta as well as Tinea imhricata might be of animal origin. The difficulty of sending scales from the Tropics to Europe was that vegetable parasites, such as aspergillus and penicillium, developed on them. Sir Patrick Manson was the first to undertake the scientific study of these tropical skin diseases, and he (Dr. Castellani) could confirm his statement that the best treatment for Tinea imhricata in natives was strons liniment of iodine, while he thought the next best was resorcin dissolved in tincture of benzoin. In conclusion, he desired to express his thanks to the President and the other speakers for their most flattering remarks, which would serve to encourage him to continue his investigations.