Page:Translations (1834).djvu/116

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Thy jacket is of the white rose,
Thy gown the woodbine’s flow’rs compose[1];
Thou glory of the birds of air,
Thou bird of heav’n, oh, hear my pray’r!
And visit in her dwelling place
The lady of illustrious race:
Haste on an embassy to her,
My kind white-bosomed messenger—
Upon the waves thy course begin,
And then at Cemaes take to shore;
And there through all the land explore,
For the bright maid of Tal y llyn,
The lady fair as the moon’s flame,
And call her “Paragon” by name;
The chamber of the beauty seek,
And mount with footsteps slow and meek;
Salute her, and to her reveal
The cares and agonies I feel—
And in return bring to my ear
Message of hope, my heart to cheer!
Oh, may no danger hover near
(Bird of majestic head) thy flight!
Thy service I will well requite!

  1. These words ‘doublet, jacket,’ &c. are English words applied sportively by the poet.