Page:Transportation and colonization.djvu/76

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"I am desirous of securing the success of the first settlers, * * * The river Hawkesbury will, I doubt not, offer some desirable situations, and the great advantages of a navigable river are obvious.

"In addition to the officers I shall be able to send to Norfolk Island, I presume that two or three magistrates will be necessary. If settlers come out for that island, perhaps some amongst them may be found to answer the purpose."

"Sydney Cove, 17th July, 1790.

The consequence of a failure of a crop, when we no longer depend upon any supplies from Great Britain, will be obvious; and to guard against which is one reason for my being so desirous of having a few settlers, to whom, as the first, I think every possible encouragement should be given. In them I should have some resource, and amongst them proper people might be found to act in different capacities, at little or no expense to government; for as the number of convicts and others increase, civil magistrates, &c. will be necessary.

The following extract, however, from a letter addressed to Governor Phillip, by Mr. Secretary Dundas, previous to the date of any of the go-