Page:Travels in Uruguay.pdf/115

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that are never punished by the authorities, though they threaten to do so in very "tall talk." But such hardly ever occur among European settlers in the camp.

South America possesses many Druidical remains, in the shape of monoliths of a great size, and very perfect rock circles of both upright and horizontal stones, far exceeding in size and perfectness any in our own land. The monoliths are "Logap stones,"—the crumbling, time-worn monuments of distant ages. One which I sketched in the Piedra Chatta camp is called


It is about fifteen feet high and about eighteen through. The Uruguay Republic is studded with rocky heaps piled up together, with, at first sight, an artificial look, but they are really natural. This stone on inspection proved undoubtedly to have been hewn out of the rock on which it now stands. It would not move, having tilted aside on to another rock, on which it now partly rests. It stood on the summit of a rocky ridge of hill, and had