Page:Travels into several remote nations of the world. In four parts (1726 Volume 1).djvu/47

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to LfLLIPUT. 2j

Chap. II.

The Emperor of Lilliput, attended by fever al of the Nobility, come to fee the Author in his Confinement. The Emperors Terfon and Habit defer ib 9 d. Learned Men appointed to teach the Author their Language. He gains Favour by his mild T^ifpofit ion. His dockets are fearched, and his Sword and Tiftols taken from him.

JHEN I found my felf on my Feet, I looked about me, and muft confefs I never beheld a more entertaining Profped. The Coun- try round appeared like a continued Garden, and the indofed Fields, which were generally forty foot fquare, re- fembled fo many Beds of Flowers! Thefe Fields were intermingled with C 3 Woods