Page:Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile - In the Years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773 volume 3.djvu/430

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of which he was governor, and had taken the high road to join the forces of Begemder.

Netcho, a near relation of the old queen, arrived from Kuara juft as we were fitting down to dinner. He had about 50 horfe and 200 foot, all bad troops, and ill armed ; he was, however, a refpeclable, tried veteran, who having had many opportunities of becoming rich, gave the whole to his foldiers, and thofe of his dependents that lived with him ; on which account he was extremely beloved, and it was hoped that, if the iffue of this campaign was favourable, Ras Michael would make him governor of Kuara, in room of Coque Abou Barea, a man of a very different character, who had intruded himlelf into that province by the power of Falil, and after maintained himfelf in it by open rebellion.

The mules that had hitherto carried my quadrant and te- lefcopes being bad, I had luckily kept them behind, in hopes that either Adigo or Netcho would fupply me with better ; and I had now placed them upon the frefh mules I had obtained, and had not lent them on with the fervants, and we were then taking a friendly glafs. It was, I fuppofe, about noon, when we law our fervants coming back, and Strates alfo among the reft, flriprof every thing that he had, except a cotton night-cap, which he wore on his head. The fervants fwam over the Gomara immediately, nor was Strates interrupted, but palTed at the ford. They told us that Gulho and Powuflen were in rebellion againft the king, and or federated with fcafil, that they were advancing to cut offthe Pas's reheat to Gondar, and that Guebra Meliedin, and Confu, Powuilen's Pit-Auraiis, had fallen in 4 with