Page:Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile - In the Years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773 volume 3.djvu/567

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difficult paflages in Woggora, a country full of hardy troops, inveterate enemies to the Has, and where Ayto Tesfos of Samen had occupied all the defiles, and was refolved to dis- pute every pod with him ; it was well known, however, that the panes through the mountain of Lafta, were more dan- gerous and difficult than thofe of Woggora andLamalmon; in a word, Guigarr, chief of the clan of Lafta (called Waag) pofleffed a ftrong-hold in thofe mountains, where many an Abyffinian army had perifhed, and where it was absolutely impoffible to proceed but with the confent and connivance of that clan, or tribe ; and tho' this Guigarr had been Michael's enemy ever fincc the war of Mariam Barea, peace was now concluded between them, the Ras having fetGuigarr's bro- ther at liberty, who had been fome time a prifoner, and was taken in an incuruon which the people of Waag had made into Tigre : excepting this pafs in the mountains of Lafta, all the ground was even from thence to Tigre ; the territory of Gouliou, indeed, through which the army was to march for four days, was very ili-provided with water; it was inhabited by Galla, whom Michael had iuffcred to fettle there, to be as a barrier between Tigre, Lafta, and Be- gemder ; but this clan was perfectly at his command, to all was eafy and fecure if Guigarr only remained faithful.

After giving time to Guebra Miriam to refrefh himfelf, I took him alone into the tent to hear Ozoro Lfther's mei- fage : flie had- been ailing after my leaving Gondar, had had a How fever, which very much affe&ed her nerves, and was now alarmed at afymptom which was but the eiletf: of weaknefs, ftartling, or involuntary contraction of her legs and arms, - or a kind of convuiiion, which f cq- ently a. wakened her out. of her ileeo. This flie thought was a fu »
