Page:Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile - In the Years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773 volume 3.djvu/579

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the Lamb himfelf had a long and ferious converfation with him ; Woldo told me it was all fpent in regretting the horfe's ill- fortune, and Falll's cruelty, in having bellowed him up- on a white man, who would not feed him, or ever let him return to Bizamo. Bizamo is a country of Galla fouth of the Nile, after it makes its fouthmoft turn, and has fur- rounded the kingdom of Gojam. I was better pleafed with this genuine mark of kindnefs to the horfe, than all the proofs of humanity Woldo had attributed to his chieftain for not frequently putting to death pregnant women. When I remarked this, Bad men { bad men! all of them, fays Wol- do ; but your Ras Michael will be among them one of thefe days, and pull alltheireyes outagain; and fo much the better.

At Roo we left the direct road which leads to Bure, the refidence of the governor of Damot, towards which place the route of the army was directed; fo I took leave, as I hoped, for ever of my brethren the Galla, but ftill continued to drive the horfe before me. We turned our face now directly upon the fountains of the Nile, which lay S. E. by S. ac- cording to the compafs. At a quarter before noon we faw the high fharp-pointed mountain of Temhua, Handing fingle in the form of a cone, at about 18 miles diftance, and behind this the mountain of Banja, the place where Fafil almoil exterminated the Agows in a battle foon after his return to Bure, and to revenge which the king's laft fatal campaign was undertaken in Maitma, terminated by his retreat to Tigre.

Here Strates,whilft amufmg himfelf in the wood in fearch of new birds and beads for our collection of natural hif- tory, fired his gun at one of the former, diftinguifhed by

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