Page:Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile - In the Years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773 volume 3.djvu/616

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dccrcpid, and fo very ill, that he faid he could go no farther than the church, where he was pofitively reiblved to take •up his abode that night. I felt his pulie, examined every part about him, and faw, 1 thought evidently, that no- thing ailed him. Without lofing my temper, however, I told him firmly, That I perceived he was an impoftor ; that he ihould conlider that I was a phyfician, as he knew I cu- red his mailer's firft friend, Welleta Yafous : that the feel- ing of his hand told me as plain as his tongue could have done, that nothing ailed him ; that it told me likewife he had in his heart fome prank to play, which would turn out very much to his difadvantage. He feemed diimayed after this, faid little, and only defired us to halt for a few minutes, and he mould be better ; for, fays he, it requires flrength in us all to pais another great hill before we arrive at GeehV

" Look you, faid I, lying is to no purpofe ; I know where Geefli is as well as you do, and that we have no more mountains or bad places to pafs through; therefore, if you choofe to flay behind, you may ; but to-morrow I fhall in- form Welleta Yafous at Bure of your behaviour." I faid this with the moil determined air poffible, and left them, walking as hard as I could down to the ford of the Nile. Woldo remained above with the fervants, who were load- ing their mules ; he feemed to be perfectly cured of his lamenefs, and was in cloie converfation with Ayto Aylo's fervant for about ten minutes, which I did not choofe to interrupt, as I faw that man was already in pofTefnon of part of Woldo' s fecret. This being over, they all came down to me, as I was fketching a branch of a yellow rofe-tree, a number of which hang over the ford.
