Page:Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile - In the Years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773 volume 4.djvu/31

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"Your master, Welled Amlac, with your leave, sald I." "Yes, mine too, said he, by force, but he never shall be my master by inclination, after murdering Kasmati Eshté. He calls me his brother, and believes me his friend. You saw one of his wives, whom he leaves at my house, last night, but I hope still to see him and his Galla slaugh- tered as the cow in my house was yesterday." " I am surprised, said I, your house was spared, and that Ras Michael did not burn it in either of his passages through Maitsha." — " In 1769, replied he, I was not with Fasil at Fa- gitta, and the Ras passed the Nile above this far beyond the Kelti; after which I returned with him to Gondar. In Gin- bot *, Fasll informed us that Amhara and Begemder were come over to him. When then all Maitsha joined Fasil, I went with my people to meet Michael at Derdera, as I knew he must pass the Nile here opposite to Abbo, and Begemder and Amhara would then be behind him, or else try to cross • at Delakus, which was then swollen with rain, and unford- able : but apprehensive lest, marching still higher up ■ along the Nile to find a ford, he might burn my house in his way, I myself joined him the night before he knew of. Powussen's revolt, and he had it then in contemplation to burn Samseen. The next morning was that of his retreat and he chose me to accompany him across the Nile, still con- sidering me as his friend, and therefore, perhaps, he would have done no harm to my house." — " So it was you, said I, that led us that day into that cursed clay-hole, which you call a ford, where so many people and beasts were maimed and lost ?" — He replied, " It was Fasil's spies that first persuad-


  • The 1st of Ginbot is the 26th of our April.