Page:Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile - In the Years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773 volume 4.djvu/416

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gree of nobility much refpcdted among the Arabs, diiTin=- guifhcd by wearing a green turban; The Davcina, when they burnt all the country between Teawa and Bcyla, faved this man's houfe,effecls,and crop, in veneration of his fancfti*^ ty. Thefe two were fitting on each i\de of Shekh Fidelej and before him ftood two black Haves holding each a mon<i ftronis long broad-Iword. I approached thefe powers, ecs- GleliaPiical and civil, with great compoiure, as if nothing had happened ; but Ifmael, the Turk, had almoft fpoiied my gravity, for, feeing the fwords in the men's hands be- fore Fidele, he faid, in his barbarous language, loud enough to be heard, " O, ho, they have got their fcabbards upon their fwords to-day."

FiDELE feemed to have a very ferene countenance, till we approached nearer, when, feeing the piftols in our gir* dies, he appeared rather difcompofcd, and probably- he thought the bhmderbufs was not far off; I made him, how- ever, a bow, and iliook him by the hand; I iikewife made an- other bow to their two holineiTes. As people of that ianc- tity feldom chofe to have, even their cloaths, touched by unbelievers in public, I made no further advance towards them. 1 he fherrifie no fooner faw Ifmael's turban, than he got up, took him in his arms, and, as he was an older man than himfelf, though all in rags, kifTed his forehead with great refpe^t. This was returned by Hagi Ifmae}, firll killing his forehead and then his hand ; after which the Moullah did the fame, as I thought with rather Icfs ceremony, ifmael gave a very flight falutation of Salama to the Shekh, and we ail fat down.

2. " Brothir,