Page:Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile - In the Years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773 volume 4.djvu/474

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One morning he came to me, after having been with the king, when I was myfelf preparing ro go to the palace. He faid, he had been fent for upon my account, and had been queflioned very narrowly what fort of a man I was. Having anfwered very favourably, both of me and my na- tion, he was afked for Mctical Aga's letters, or any other letters he had received concerning me from Jidda ; he faid, that he had only fliewn Merical's letter, wrote in the name of the flierrifFe, as alfo one from himfelf ; that there were fe- veral great ofllcers of government prefent ; and the Cadi (whom I had feen the firil time I had been with the king) had read the letters aloud to them all : That one of them had afl:ed. How it came that fuch a man as I ventured to pafs thefe defer ts, with four or five old fervants, and what it was I came to fee ; that he anfwered, he apprehended my chief objetfl at Sennaar was to be forwarded to my own country. It was alfo afked, AVhy I had not fomc Englifli- nien with me, as none of my fervants were of that nation, but poox beggarly Kopts, Arabs, and Turks, who were none of them of my religion ? Eelal anfwered. That travellers through thefe countries muft take up with fuch people as they can find going the fame way ; however, he believed fome Englifli fervants had died in Abylluiia, which coun- try I had left the fiifl opportunity that had oflered, being wearied by the perpetual war which prevailed. Upon which the king faid, " He has chofen well, when lie came in- to this ecuntry for peace. You know, Hagi 3elal, I can do nothing for him ; there is nothing in my hands. I could eafier get him back into Abyffinia than forward liini into Egypt, Who is it now that can pafs into Egypt r" The Cadi then faid, " Hagi Belal can get him to Suakein, and {o to
