Page:Treasure Island (1909).djvu/313

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  1. What did he think of the crew he had got? What did Captain Smollett think of them? Who had really selected them?
  2. What hint do you get from the fact that "Black Dog" appeared at Silver's Inn?
  3. How did Silver allay Jim's suspicions? What did the Squire and the Doctor think of Silver?
  4. What are the first hints of coming trouble that Captain Smollett sees? "Why does he say "Treasure is ticklish work"?
  5. Note the song that the men sing as the ship sails. Where have you read it before?
  6. What was Jim's "adventure of the apple barrel? Note how the whole situation comes out in Silver's talk.
  7. What qualities does Jim show in this incident? What saved him from discovery?
  8. What steps do the owners of the vessel take when they hear his story?
  9. Retell in writing one of the incidents of the voyage which you think interesting.


  1. What signs of coming trouble does Jim observe?
  2. How does John Silver act?
  3. Why were the men sent "on shore leave"?
  4. What came of Jim's going ashore without leave?
  5. What was the island ike?
  6. Describe Silver's interview with Tom.
  7. Who was "the man of the island"? How does he show that he has lived a long time alone?
  8. What hint is there that he may be of use to the Squire and his friends?


  1. Why are these chapters (XVI-XVIII) told by the doctor
  2. Why did his party decide to occupy the old stockade?
  3. What adventures did they have in landing their supplies?
  4. How many men are in the faithful party? .
  5. How did Ben Gunn help them?
  6. How did the men in the stockade prepare to resist attack?
  7. Describe Silver's embassy.
  8. What were the results of the fight at the stockade?