Page:Treatise on Soap Making.djvu/117

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observations, the circumstances of the case alluded to are the following, viz.

One evening, accidentally meeting with an intimate acquaintance belonging to the Excise, he mentioned, that one of his traders (in the soap line) had been working with a pan of soap these three or four weeks, and had brought it into such a state that he seemed completely bewildered, and unable further to proceed. He begged I would step along with him, take a look at it, and give the poor man my advice, so as to help him on, if possible. This man's pecuniary circumstances were such, that, as represented by my friend, the failure of this pan of soap would ultimately work his ruin. Sympathy, therefore, for the poor man, induced me to comply with this request, and take a look of the soap in the boiler: but such a sight, in fact, I never