Page:Treatise on Soap Making.djvu/127

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work a view of the principal of these laws, peculiar to hard and soft soap-makers, must appear highly proper: and moreover, it is also presumed, will be singularly acceptable to such traders as may not formerly have had an opportunity of supplying themselves with the statutes thereanent made and provided; and, by being concisely collected and brought under immediate review, every person interested may upon all occasions have it in his power to refer with greater facility and ease than to the printed detached acts themselves. What follows, therefore, are abstracts of these statutes, chiefly taken from an Abridgment of the Excise Laws. But as the act 24th Geo. III. for the better securing the duties on soap, is amongst the last general statutes upon the subject, containing much useful information to the soap maker, and the more worthy of his attention, as comprehending the substance of most of