Page:Treatise on Soap Making.djvu/146

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give to the officer of the division or place where such soap is intended to be made, notice in writing of the particular time and hour when such maker of soap intends to charge his or their copper or boiler, as herein-after mentioned; (that is to say) If such soap is intended to be made, at any place within the limits of the head office of Excise in London, then such notice shall be by the space of twelve hours next before the time of charging such copper or boiler; and if such soap is intended to be made at any other place, out of the limits aforesaid, then such notice shall be by the space of twenty-four hours next before the time of charging such copper or boiler; on pain of forfeiting and losing the sum of L. 100 at every time when any maker of soap shall begin to charge his or her copper or boiler without first giving such notice as aforesaid: And if such maker of soap shall not begin