Page:Treaty of Peace - Trianon (1920).pdf/20

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thence in a south-south-easterly direction to a point to be chosen on the Lendva south of point 265,

a line to be fixed on the ground passing to the east of Kebeleszentmarton, Zsitköcz, Gönterhaza, Hidveg, Csente, Pincze and to the west of Lendva-jakabfa, Bödehaza, Gaborjanhaza, Dedes, Lendva-Ujfalu;

thence in a south-easterly direction,

the course of the Lendva downstream;

then the course of the Mur downstream;

then to its junction with the old boundary between Hungary and Croatia-Slavonia, about 11/2 kilometres above the Gyekenyes–Koproncza railway bridge,

the course of the Drau (Drave) downstream;

thence south-eastwards to a point to be chosen about 9 kilometres east of Miholjacdolnji,

the old administrative boundary between Hungary and Croatia- Slavonia, modified, however, so as to leave the Gyekenyes–Barcs railway, together with the station of Gola, entirely in Hungarian territory;

thence in an easterly direction to point 93 about 3 kilometres south-west of Baranyavar,

a line to be fixed on the ground passing north of Torjancz, Löcs and Benge and south of Kassad, Beremend with its railway station and Illocska;

thence in a north-easterly direction to a point to be chosen in the course of the Danube about 8 kilometres north of point 169 (Kisköszeg),

a line to be fixed on the ground passing to the west of Baranyavar, Föherczeglak (leaving to the Serb-Croat-Slovene State the railway joining these two places at the junction immediately to the north of Baranyavar) and Dalyok, and to the east of Ivan-Darda, Sarok, Udvar and Izabellaföld (with its railway);

thence east-north-eastwards to a point in the course of the Kigyos about 3 kilometres east-south-east of Bacsmadaras Station,

a line to be fixed on the ground passing between Herczegszanto and Bereg, and then approximately following the course of the Kigyos, but curving to the north of Rigyicza;

thence east-north-eastwards to a point to be selected on the backwater of the Tisza (Theiss) about 51/2 kilometres east-north-east of Horgos Station,

a line to be fixed on the ground passing south of Kun-Baja, cutting the Szabadka–Bácsalmás railway about 11/2 kilometres east of Csikeria Station, cutting the Szabadka–Kiskunhalas railway about 3 kilometres south of Kelebia Station, and passing north of Horgos and its station, and south of Röszkeszentmihalytelek;

thence in a south-easterly direction to the Tisza,

the median line of the backwater;

thence to a point to be selected about 5 kilometres upstream,

the course of the Tisza;

thence in a general easterly direction to a point to be selected on the ground about 4 kilometres south-west of Kiszombor Station, approximately east-south-east of point 84 and south-south-west of point 83, this point being the point common to the three frontiers of Roumania, Hungary, and the Serb-Croat-Slovene State,

a line to be fixed on the ground passing between Gyala and Oszentivan and between Obeb and Kübekhaza.

3. With Roumania:

From the point defined above east-north-eastwards to a point to be selected on the Maros about 31/2 kilometres upstream from the railway bridge between Mako and Szeged,

a line to be fixed on the ground;

thence south-eastwards, and then north-eastwards to a point to be selected about 1 kilometre south of Nagylak station,

the course of the river Maros upstream;