Page:Treaty of Peace - Trianon (1920).pdf/31

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Article 77.

Hungary will hand over without delay to the Allied and Associated Governments concerned archives, registers, plans, title-deeds and documents of every kind belonging to the civil, military, financial, judicial or other forms of administration in the ceded territories. If any one of these documents, archives, registers, title-deeds or plans is missing, it shall be restored by Hungary upon the demand of the Allied or Associated Government concerned.

In case the archives, registers, plans, title-deeds or documents referred to in the preceding paragraph, exclusive of those of a military character, concern equally the administration in Hungary, and cannot therefore be handed over without inconvenience to such administrations, Hungary undertakes, subject to reciprocity, to give access thereto to the Allied and Associated Governments concerned.

Article 78.

Separate conventions between Hungary and each of the States to which territory of the former Kingdom of Hungary is transferred, and each of the States arising from the dismemberment of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, will provide for the interests of the inhabitants, especially in connection with their civil rights, their commerce and the exercise of their professions.

Part IV.

Hungarian Interests Outside Europe.

Article 79.

In territory outside her frontiers as fixed by the present Treaty Hungary renounces so far as she is concerned all rights, titles and privileges in or over territory outside Europe which belonged to the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, or to its allies, and all rights, titles and privileges whatever their origin which it held as against the Allied and Associated Powers.

Hungary undertakes immediately to recognize and to conform to the measures which may be taken now or in the future by the Principal Allied and Associated Powers, in agreement where necessary with third Powers, in order to carry the above stipulation into effect.

Section I.

Article 80.

Hungary renounces so far as she is concerned all rights, titles and privileges conferred on her by the General Act of Algeciras of April 7, 1906, and by the Franco-German Agreements of February 9, 1909, and November 4, 1911. All treaties, agreements, arrangements and contracts concluded by the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy with the Sherifian Empire are regarded as abrogated as from August 12, 1914.

In no case can Hungary avail herself of these acts and she undertakes not to intervene in any way in negotiations relating to Morocco which may take place between France and the other Powers.

Article 81.

Hungary hereby accepts all the consequences of the establishment of the French Protectorate in Morocco, which had been recognized by the Government of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, and she renounces so far as she is concerned the régime of the capitulations in Morocco.

This renunciation shall take effect as from August 12, 1914.

Article 82.

The Sherifian Government shall have complete liberty of action in regulating the status of Hungarian nationals in Morocco and the conditions in which they can establish themselves there.