Page:Treaty of Peace - Trianon (1920).pdf/38

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Table II.—Composition and Maximum Effectives for a Cavalry Division.

Units Maximum number authorised Maximum Effectives of each unit
Officers Men
Headquarters of a Cavalry Division 1 15 50
Regiment of Cavalry* 6 30 720
Group of Field Artillery (3 batteries) 1 30 430
Group of motor machine guns and armoured cars† 1 4 80
Miscellaneous services 30 500
Total for a Cavalry Division 259 5,380

* Each Regiment comprises 4 Squadrons.

† Each group comprises 9 fighting cars, each carrying 1 gun, 1 machine gun, and 1 spare machine gun, 4 communication cars, 2 small lorries for stores, 7 lorries, including 1 repair lorry, 4 motor cycles.

Note.—The large Cavalry Units may include a variable number of regiments and be divided into independent brigades within the limit of the effectives laid down above.

Table III.—Composition and Maximum Effectives for a Mixed Brigade.

Units Maximum Effectives of each unit
Officers Men
Headquarters of a Brigade 10 50
2 Regiments of Infantry* 130 4,000
1 Cyclist Battalion 18 450
1 Cavalry Squadron 5 100
1 Group Field Artillery 20 400
1 Trench Mortar Company 5 150
Miscellaneous services 10 200
Total for Mixed Brigade 198 5,350

* Each Regiment comprises 3 Battalions of Infantry. Each Battalion comprises 3 Companies of Infantry and 1 Machine gun Company.

Table IV.—Minimum Effectives of Units whatever organisation is adopted in the Army.
(Divisions, Mixed Brigades, etc.)

Units Maximum Effectives (for reference) Minimum Effectives
Officers Men Officers Men
Infantry Division 414 10,780 300 8,000
Cavalry Division 259 5,380 180 3,650
Mixed Brigade 198 5,350 140 4,250
Regiment of Infantry 65 2,000 52 1,600
Battalion of Infantry 16 650 12 500
Company of Infantry or machine guns 3 160 2 120
Cyclist Group 18 450 12 300
Regiment of Cavalry 30 720 20 450
Squadron of Cavalry 6 160 3 100
Regiment of Field Artillery 80 1,200 60 1,000
Battery of Field Artillery 4 150 2 120
Company of Trench Mortars 3 150 2 100
Battalion of Pioneers 14 500 8 300
Battery of Mountain Artillery 5 320 3 200