Page:Treaty of Peace - Trianon (1920).pdf/48

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Annex I.

Compensation may be claimed from Hungary in accordance with Article 162 above in respect of the total damage under the following categories:

(1) Damage to injured persons and to surviving dependants by personal injury to or death of civilians caused by acts of war, including bombardment or other attacks on land, on sea or from the air, and of the direct consequences thereof and of all operations of war by the two groups of belligerents wherever arising.

(2) Damage caused by Hungary or her allies to civilian victims of acts of cruelty, violence or maltreatment (including injuries to life or health as a consequence of imprisonment, deportation, internment or evacuation, of exposure at sea, or of being forced to labour) wherever arising, and to the surviving dependants of such victims.

(3) Damage caused by Hungary or her allies in their own territory or in occupied or invaded territory to civilian victims of all acts injurious to health or capacity to work or to honour, as well as to the surviving dependants of such victims.

(4) Damage caused by any kind of maltreatment of prisoners of war.

(5) As damage caused to the peoples of the Allied and Associated Powers, all pensions or compensations in the way of pensions to naval and military victims of war, including members of the air force, whether mutilated, wounded, sick or invalided, and to the dependants of such victims, the amount due to the Allied and Associated Governments being calculated for each of them as being the capitalised cost of such pensions and compensations at the date of the coming into force of the present Treaty on the basis of the scales in force in France on May 1, 1919.

(6) The cost of assistance by the Governments of the Allied and Associated Powers to prisoners of war, to their families and dependants.

(7) Allowances by the Governments of the Allied and Associated Powers to the families and dependants of mobilised persons or persons serving with the forces, the amount due to them for each calendar year in which hostilities occurred being calculated for each Government on the basis of the average scale for such payments in force in France during that year.

(8) Damage caused to civilians by being forced by Hungary or her allies to labour without just remuneration.

(9) Damage in respect of all property, wherever situated, belonging to any of the Allied or Associated States or their nationals, with the exception of naval or military works or materials, which has been carried off, seized, injured or destroyed by the acts of Hungary or her allies on land, on sea or from the air, or damage directly in consequence of hostilities or of any operations of war.

(10) Damage in the form of levies, fines and other similar exactions imposed by Hungary or her allies upon the civilian population.

Annex II.


The Commission referred to in Article 163 shall be called the “Reparation Commission” and is hereafter referred to as “the Commission.”


The Delegates to this Commission shall be appointed by the United States of America, Great Britain, France, Italy, Japan, Belgium, Greece, Poland, Roumania, the Serb-Croat-Slovene State and Czecho-Slovakia. The United States of America, Great Britain, France, Italy, Japan and Belgium shall each appoint a Delegate. The other five Powers shall appoint a Delegate to represent them all under the conditions indicated in the second sub-paragraph of paragraph 3 hereafter. At the time when each Delegate is appointed there shall also be appointed an Assistant Delegate, who will take his place in case of illness or necessary absence, but at other times will only have the right to be present at the proceedings without taking any part therein.

On no occasion shall Delegates of more than five of the above Powers have the right to take part in the proceedings of the Commission and to record their votes. The Delegates of the United States, Great Britain, France and Italy shall have this right on all occasions. The Delegate of Belgium shall have this right on all occasions other than those referred to below. The Delegate of Japan will have this right when questions relating to damage at sea are under consideration. The Delegate representing the five remaining Powers mentioned above shall have this right when questions relating to Austria, Hungary or Bulgaria are under consideration.