Page:Treaty of Peace - Trianon (1920).pdf/56

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Annex VI.

Hungary renounces on her own behalf and on behalf of her nationals in favour of Italy all rights, titles or privileges of whatever nature in any submarine cables or portions of cables connecting Italian territory, including any territories which may be assigned to Italy in accordance with the present Treaty.

Hungary also renounces on her own behalf and on behalf of her nationals in favour of the Principal Allied and Associated Powers all rights, titles and privileges of whatever nature in the submarine cables, or portions thereof, connecting the territories ceded by Hungary under the terms of the present Treaty to the various Allied and Associated Powers.

The States concerned shall provide for the upkeep of the installations and the proper working of the said cables.

As regards the cable from Trieste to Corfu, the Italian Government shall enjoy in its relations with the company owning this cable the same position as that held by the Austro-Hungarian Government.

The value of the cables or portions of cables referred to in the first two paragraphs of the present Annex, calculated on the basis of the original cost, less a suitable allowance for depreciation, shall be credited to Hungary in the reparation account.

Section II.
Special Provisions.

Article 175.

In carrying out the provisions of Article 168, Hungary undertakes to surrender to each of the Allied and Associated Powers respectively all records, documents, objects of antiquity and of art, and all scientific and bibliographical material taken away from the invaded territories, whether they belong to the State or to provincial, communal, charitable or ecclesiastical administrations or other public or private institutions.

Article 176.

Hungary shall in the same manner restore objects of the same nature as those referred to in Article 175 which may have been taken away since June 1, 1914, from the ceded territories, with the exception of objects bought from private owners.

The Reparation Commission will apply to these objects the provisions of Article 191, Part IX (Financial Clauses), of the present Treaty, if these are appropriate.

Article 177.

Hungary will give up to each of the Allied and Associated Governments respectively all the records, documents and historical material possessed by public institutions which may have a direct bearing on the history of the ceded territories and which have been removed since January 1, 1868. This last-mentioned period, as far as concerns Italy, shall be extended to the date of the proclamation of the Kingdom (1861).

With regard to all objects or documents of an artistic, archæological, scientific or historic character forming part of collections which formerly belonged to the Government or the Crown of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and are not otherwise provided for in the present Treaty, Hungary undertakes:

(a) to negotiate, when required, with the States concerned for an amicable arrangement whereby any portion thereof or any objects or documents belonging thereto which ought to form part of the intellectual patrimony of the said States may be returned to their country of origin on terms of reciprocity, and

(b) for twenty years, unless a special arrangement is previously arrived at, not to alienate or disperse any of the said collections or to dispose of any of the above objects, but at all times to ensure their safety and good condition and to make them available, together with inventories, catalogues and administrative documents relating to the said collections, at all reasonable times to students who are nationals of any of the Allied and Associated Powers.

Reciprocally, Hungary will be entitled to apply to the said States, particularly to Austria, in order to negotiate, in the conditions mentioned above, the necessary arrangements for the return to Hungary of the collections, documents and objects referred to above, to which the guarantees referred to in paragraph (b) will apply.