Page:Treaty of Peace - Trianon (1920).pdf/58

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(b) the requisitioning in the course of the operations of property and securities of every description, particularly the possible classification of any portion of such property or securities as war booty, the valuation of such property or securities, the extent to which restitution should be made, debiting on the reparation account of the sum representing the property or securities not restored against the Power in possession thereof, the method of payment (in cash or as a set-off on the reparation account) of the sums so debited, and the dates on which such payment or set-off is to be made.

Article 182.

Hungary confirms the surrender of all material handed over or to be handed over to the Allied and Associated Powers in accordance with the Armistice of November 3, 1918, or any supplementary agreements, and recognises the title of the Allied and Associated Powers to such material.

There shall be credited to Hungary, against the sums due from her to the Allied and Associated Powers for reparation, the value, as assessed by the Reparation Commission, of such of the above material for which, as having non-military value, credit should, in the judgment of the Reparation Commission, be allowed to Hungary.

Property belonging to the Allied and Associated Governments or their nationals restored or surrendered under the Armistice Agreements in specie shall not be credited to Hungary.

Article 183.

The priority of the charges established by Article 180 shall, subject to the qualifications made below, be as follows:—

(a) the cost of the armies of occupation, as defined under Article 181, during the Armistice;

(b) the cost of any armies of occupation, as defined under Article 181, after the coming into force of the present Treaty;

(c) the cost of reparation arising out of the present Treaty or any treaties or conventions supplementary thereto;

(d) the cost of all other obligations incumbent on Hungary under the Armistice Agreements or under the present Treaty or any treaties or conventions supplementary thereto.

The payment for such supplies of food and raw material for Hungary and such other payments as may be judged by the Principal Allied and Associated Powers to be essential to enable Hungary to meet her obligations in respect of reparation shall have priority to the extent and upon the conditions which have been or may be determined by the Governments of the said Powers.

The payment of the costs of the armies employed in the operations effected after November 3, 1918, shall have priority to the extent and upon the conditions fixed by the Reparation Commission in accordance with the provisions of Article 181.

Article 184.

The right of each of the Allied and Associated Powers to dispose of enemy assets and property within its jurisdiction at the date of the coming into force of the present Treaty is not affected by the foregoing provisions.

Article 185.

Nothing in the foregoing provisions shall prejudice in any manner charges or mortgages lawfully effected in favour of the Allied and Associated Powers or their nationals respectively before the date at which a state of war existed between Austria-Hungary and the Allied or Associated Power concerned by the former Hungarian Government or by nationals of the former Kingdom of Hungary on assets in their ownership at that date, except in so far as variations of such charges or mortgages are specifically provided for under the terms of the present Treaty or any treaties or conventions supplementary thereto.

Article 186.

1. Each of the States to which territory of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy is transferred, and each of the States arising from the dismemberment of that Monarchy, including Hungary, shall, in so far as territory is assigned to it in accordance with the present Treaty, assume responsibility for a portion of the debt of the former Hungarian Government which is specifically secured on railways or