Page:Treaty of Peace - Trianon (1920).pdf/73

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Article 227.

Hungary recognises that all treaties, conventions or arrangements which she, or the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, concluded with Russia, or with any State or Government of which the territory previously formed a part of Russia, or with Roumania, before July 28, 1914, or after that date until the coming into force of the present Treaty, are of no effect.

Article 228.

Should an Allied or Associated Power, Russia, or a State or Government of which the territory formerly constituted a part of Russia, have been forced since July 28, 1914, by reason of military occupation or by any other means or for any other cause, to grant or to allow to be granted by the act of any public authority, concessions, privileges and favours of any kind to the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, or to Hungary or to an Hungarian national, such concessions, privileges and favours are ipso facto annulled by the present Treaty.

No claims or indemnities which may result from this annulment shall be charged against the Allied or Associated Powers or the Powers, States, Governments or public authorities which are released from their engagements by the present Article.

Article 229.

From the coming into force of the present Treaty Hungary undertakes, so far as she is concerned, to give the Allied and Associated Powers and their nationals the benefit ipso facto of the rights and advantages of any kind which she or the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy has granted by treaties, conventions or arrangements to non-belligerent States or their nationals since July 28, 1914, until the coming into force of the present Treaty, so long as those treaties, conventions or arrangements are in force for Hungary.

Article 230.

Those of the High Contracting Parties who have not yet signed, or who have signed but not yet ratified, the Opium Convention signed at The Hague on January 23, 1912, agree to bring the said Convention into force, and for this purpose to enact the necessary legislation without delay and in any case within a period of twelve months from the coming into force of the present Treaty.

Furthermore, they agree that ratification of the present Treaty should in the case of Powers which have not yet ratified the Opium Convention be deemed in all respects equivalent to the ratification of that Convention and to the signature of the Special Protocol which was opened at The Hague in accordance with the resolutions adopted by the Third Opium Conference in 1914 for bringing the said Convention into force.

For this purpose the Government of the French Republic will communicate to the Government of the Netherlands a certified copy of the protocol of the deposit of ratifications of the present Treaty, and will invite the Government of the Netherlands to accept and deposit the said certified copy as if it were a deposit of ratifications of the Opium Convention and a signature of the Additional Protocol of 1914.

Section III.

Article 231.

There shall be settled through the intervention of Clearing Offices to be established by each of the High Contracting Parties within three months of the notification referred to in paragraph (e) hereafter the following classes of pecuniary obligations:

(1) Debts payable before the war and due by a national of one of the Contracting Powers, residing within its territory, to a national of an Opposing Power, residing within its territory;

(2) Debts which became payable during the war to nationals of one Contracting Power residing within its territory and arose out of transactions or contracts with the nationals of an Opposing Power, resident within its territory, of which the total or partial execution was suspended on account of the existence of a state of war;

(3) Interest which has accrued due before and during the war to a national of one of the Contracting Powers in respect of securities issued or taken over by an Opposing Power, provided that the payment of interest on such securities to the nationals of that Power or to neutrals has not been suspended during the war;