Page:Treaty of Peace - Trianon (1920).pdf/95

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Article 254.

Section III, except Article 231 (d), shall not apply to debts contracted between Hungarian nationals and nationals of the former Kingdom of Hungary.

Subject to the special provisions laid down in Article 231 (d) for the case of the new States, these debts shall be paid in the legal currency at the time of payment of the State of which the national of the former Kingdom of Hungary has become a national, and the rate of exchange applicable shall be the average rate quoted on the Geneva Exchange during the two months preceding November 1, 1918.

Article 255.

Insurance companies whose principal place of business was in territory which previously formed part of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy shall have the right to carry on their business in Hungarian territory for a period of ten years from the coming into force of the present Treaty, without the rights which they previously enjoyed being affected in any way by the change of nationality.

During the above period the operations of such companies shall not be subjected by Hungary to any higher tax or charge than shall be imposed on the operations of national companies. No measure in derogation of their rights of property shall be imposed upon them which is not equally applied to the property, rights or interests of Hungarian insurance companies; adequate compensation shall be paid in the event of the application of any such measures.

These provisions shall only apply so long as Hungarian insurance companies previously carrying on business in the transferred territories, even if their principal place of business was outside such territories, are reciprocally accorded a similar right to carry on their business therein.

After the period of ten years above referred to, the provisions of Article 211 of the present Treaty shall apply in regard to the Allied and Associated companies in question.

The provisions of this Article shall apply similarly to co-operative societies, provided that the legal position of such societies places upon their members effective responsibility for all operations and contracts within the objects of such societies.

Article 256.

Special agreements will determine the division of the property of associations or public corporations carrying on their functions in territory which is divided in consequence of the present Treaty.

Article 257.

States to which territory of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy is transferred, and States arising from the dismemberment of that Monarchy, shall recognise and give effect to rights of industrial, literary and artistic property in force in the territory at the time when it passes to the State in question, or re-established or restored in accordance with the provisions of Article 241 of the present Treaty. These rights shall remain in force in that territory for the same period as that for which they would have remained in force under the law of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy.

A special convention shall determine all questions relative to the records, registers and copies in connection with the protection of industrial, literary or artistic property, and fix their eventual transmission or communication by the Offices of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy to the Offices of the States to which are transferred territory of the said Monarchy and to the Offices of new States.

Article 258.

Without prejudice to other provisions of the present Treaty, the Hungarian Government undertakes so far as it is concerned to hand over to any Power to which territory of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy is transferred, or which arises from the dismemberment of that Monarchy, such portion of the reserves accumulated by the Governments or the administrations of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, or by public or private organisations under their control, as is attributable to the carrying on of Social or State Insurance in such territory.

The Powers to which these funds are handed over must apply them to the performance of the obligations arising from such insurances.