Page:Trial of john lilburne (IA trial john lilburne).djvu/89

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Mr. Skinner. To my best remembrance, & it shall please you, ’twas the beginning of Septemb. I cannot justly tell what day, that I met with Mr. Lilburn in Ivy-lane, neare unto Pauls, and meeting with him, I was going towards the Guard, and so was Mr. Lewis with me, being walking forth of the Lane, having been refreshing our selves; and neere the end of the Lane, wee met Lieu. Col. Lilburn, which Lieut. Col. Mr. Lewis very well knew, and knowing of him, asked him how he did, and how it went with him, in regard he had heard before he was in prison; and so I did not take any heed what he said further, neither doe I know whether Mr. Lewis asked Mr. Lilburn to goe with him to drinke, or Mr. Lilburn asked him; but to the Red Crosse in Newgate-market we went to drinke, and Mr. Lilburn did aske Mr. Lewis whether or no he had seene the booke which was called the Apprentices Out-cry: Mr. Lewis answered him that he had not seene the booke (as I remember) but he had heard of that booke that it was forth, & he did intend to buy one of them in regard they were publiquely sold abroad; sayes Mr. Lilburn, I have such a booke in my pocket, which was given mee even now, and I will give it you if you will.

L. Col. Lilb. I pray let me heare two or three lines before.

Mr. Skinner. Whereupon you answered, and said, I have the booke in my pocket, and it was given me, and I will give it you, and Mr. Lewis received it, and that was all, and presently I went away.

Mr. Atturny. You hear Gentlemen of the Jurie, that it is the same book that he received from the hands of Lieut. Col. John Lilburn.

L. Col. Lilb. My Lord, I beseech you heare me before the Witnesses goe, and he that was sworn before, I desire to aske him this question, whether or no that this is the very booke that is mentioned in the Indctment, and whether or no they have examined the words of it with the Indictment.

Mr. Prideaux. You need not, that shall be proved presently.

Mr. Atturny. That booke which Mr. Lilburn gave you, what did you with it Mr. Skinner: It was delivered unto my Lieutenant, who stands there.

Lieut. It was delivered unto my Captain upon the Guard.

Capt. Meriman. Tooke the booke in his hand, and said, this individuall booke, signed in severall places by me, I delivered to Mr. Frost, Secretary to the Councell of State, and Mr. Frost caused me to signe it in severall places, whereby it could not be mistaken, and that is the very individuall book.

Mr. Atturny. My Lords, and you Gentlemen of the Jurie, we have thus far gone in the Evidence, that Mr. Lilburn brought the last sheete of it to the Presse, the first time he came with Captain Jones, and he came the second

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