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The original 'District Manual' of Trichinopoly, written by the late Mr. Lewis Moore, I.C.S., was published in 1878.

The present volume, which owes much to its predecessor, follows the plan for the new 'District- Gazetteers' prescribed by Government and, under instructions, it treats the taluks of Karur and Namakkal, which are to be transferred to the district from Coimbatore and Salem respectively, as though they were already part of it. The separate statistical Appendix, which was compiled in advance, omits these two taluks, but this defect will be remedied when it is re-issued after the census of 1911. The history of Trichinopoly is largely the history of the Cholas and the Nayakkans, and Chapter II has consequently indented freely upon the corresponding portions of the Gazetteers of Tanjore and Madura, in which districts the chief capitals of those powers were respectively situated. The facts and references in the section on the early history of the district have been chiefly supplied by Rai Bahadur V. Venkayya, m.a., the Government Epigraphist, whom I cannot sufficiently thank for his ready and courteous assistance.

Having little personal knowledge of Trichinopoly, T have been obliged to rely largely upon information supplied to me by others. I have had to apply for help to nearly all the District Officers in Trichinopoly, Coimbatore and Salem, and have received most generous and cordial assistance, for which I tender my best thanks. Mr. E. Thurston has kindly helped me with Chapter III and Mr. A. Chatterton with Chapters IV and VI. Finally I must not omit to record my thanks to my clerk, K. Vi'rasvami Aiyar, for the industry and intelligence with which he has conducted many of the necessary local enquiries.

F. R. H.