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Of what she had concealed and stifled from him.
“I should have said King Mark was the last name
Of all, or all but one, that I should hear
From you today. Were there no better days!”

“King Mark says I’m a knight, but not King Arthur—
Not yet—was all that I was going to say;
And I am not saying that because I love him—
Only that you should hear the difference
From me, and have at least some joy of it.
I shall not feel Mark’s sword upon my shoulder
Again until I feel the edge of it;
And that will not befall in Camelot,
Or wheresoever I shall carry with me
One of these arms that are not useless yet.”

“And where do you plan next to carry them
To prove yourself a Knight of the Round Table?”
She said, and with a flame filling her eyes
As if a soul behind them were on fire.
“What next one among thieves, with Griffon gone,
Will be the nearest to your heart’s desire?”

If her lip curled a little in asking that,
Tristram was looking down and did not see it.

[ 117 ]