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And sorrow in her smile, foretold unsaid
More than he saw.

Should hide us here t“You are not sad that heaven
Should hide us here together, God knows how long,
And surely are not fearful,” he said, smiling.
“Before there was a man or woman living,
It was all chronicled with nights and days
That we should find each other tonight like this,
There was no other way for love like ours
To be like this than always to have been.
Your love that I see looking into mine
Might have in it a shining of more knowledge
Than love needs to be wise; and love that’s wise
Will not say all it means. Untimely words,
Where love and wisdom are not quarrelling,
Are good words not to say.”

Shining out of my eyes at you “If you see wisdom
Shining out of my eyes at you sometime,
Say it is yours, not mine. Untimely words
Are not for love, and are like frost on flowers
Where love is not for long. When we are done

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