Page:Trivia (John Gay) to which is added London (Samuel Johnson) (1809).djvu/35

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The youth strait chose his post: the labour plied
Where branching streets from Charing-cross divide;
His treble voice resounds along the Meuse,215
And Whitehall echoes—"Clean your honour's shoes?"
Like the sweet ballad, this amusing lay
Too long detains the walker on his way;
While he attends, new dangers round him throng:
The busy city asks instructive song.—220
Where, elevated o'er the gaping crowd,
Clasp'd in the board, the perjur'd head is bow'd,
Betimes retreat: here, thick as hailstones pour,
Turneps and half-hatch'd eggs (a mingled show'r)
Among the rabble rain; some random throw225
May, with the trickling yolk, thy cheek o'erflow.
Though expedition bids, yet never stray
Where no rang'd posts defend the rugged way:
Here laden carts with thund'ring waggons meet,
Wheels clash with wheels, and bar the narrow street;
The lashing whip resounds, the horses strain,231
And blood in anguish bursts the swelling vein. . . . .
O barb'rous men! your cruel breasts assuage;
Why vent ye on the gen'rous steed your rage?
