Page:Trivia (John Gay) to which is added London (Samuel Johnson) (1809).djvu/62

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Are rang'd beside the posts; there stay thy haste,
And with the sav'ry fish indulge thy taste:192
The damsel's knife the gaping shell commands,
While the salt liquor streams between her hands.
The man had sure a palate cover'd o'er195
With brass or steel, that on the rocky shore
First broke the oozy oyster's pearly coat,
And risk'd the living morsel down his throat.
What will not Lux'ry taste! Earth, sea, and air,
Are daily ransack'd for the bill of fare:200
Blood stuff'd in skins is British Christian's food;
And France robs marshes of the croaking brood;
Spongy morels in strong ragouts are found;
And in the soup the slimy snail is drown'd.
When from high spouts the dashing torrents fall,
Ever be watchful to maintain the wall:206
For shouldst thou quit thy ground, the rushing throng
Will with impetuous fury drive along;
All press to gain those honours thou hast lost,
And rudely shove thee far without the post:210
Then to retrieve the shed you strive in vain,
Draggled all o'er, and soak'd in floods of rain.