- Salvarsan in verruga Peruana, 671
- in yaws, 668
- methods of administering, 243
- Sand-flea, 896
- Sand-flies, differentiation of, from mosquitoes, 146
- Sand-fly and phlebotomus fever, 305, 307
- Sarcocystis muris, 949
- tenella, 949
- Sarcodina, 926, 927
- Sarcophaga, 212
- Sarcopsyllidje, 359, 360
- Scarlatina rheumatica, 293 (footnote)
- Schaudinn's staining method, 529
- Schistosomum cattoi, 759
- disease, 742
- hæmatobium, 176, 742
- characters of, 743
- in dysentery, 504
- in sleeping sickness, 176
- larva of, free, 744
- life-history of, 745
- ova of, 743
- japonicum, 759
- diagnosis of, 765
- geographical distribution of, 761
- history of, 759
- in dysentery, 504
- morbid anatomy of, 762
- ova of, in faeces, 808
- prevention of, 765
- symptoms of, 764
- treatment of, 675
- mansoni, 756
- in dysentery, 504
- ova of, in fæces, 808
- Schizogony, 28
- Sehizogregarines, 939
- Schizonts, 28, 925
- Schizotrypanum, 933
- cruzi, 156, 188
- Schiiffner's dots, 47, 62
- Screwworm infection, 901
- Scrotal elephantiasis, 725
- Serum-therapy in dysentery, 538
- in plague, 358
- in relapsing fever, 244
- Seven-days' fever of Indian ports, 389
- Shiga's antiserum, 507
- Shima mushi, 315
- Ship malaria, 101
- Siderosis of liver in malarial cachexia, 97
- Simple continued fever, 385
- Simuliidse, 449
- and pellagra, 448
- Siriasis, 394
- diagnosis of, 400
- etiology of, 396
- geographical distribution of, 395
- morbid anatomy of, 399
- mortality of. 399
- Siriasis, pathology of, 400
- symptoms of, 397
- treatment of, 400
- Sirkari disease, 203
- Skin diseases, bacterial, 863
- fungous, 871
- non-specific, 861
- of animal origin, 896
- Sleeping sickness, morbid anatomy of, 176
- mortality of, 175
- success of prophylaxis in Principe, 184
- (see also Trypanosomiasis)
- Sodium gynocardate in leprosy, 647
- Soloid stains, 45
- Sparganosis, ocular, 792
- Sparganum mansoni, 790
- proliferum, 792
- Spermophilus guttatus, 331
- Spirillum fever, 228
- Spirochaeta berbera, 235, 242
- carteri, 235, 242
- duttoni, 235, 236, 242, 950
- gallinarum, 235, 246, 247, 950
- novyi, 235, 242
- obermeieri (see Spiroclueta recurrentis)
- pallidula, 654
- pertenuis, 654, 950
- plicatilis, 232, 950
- recurrentis and relapsing
- fever, 229
- animal experiments with, 238, 242
- biology of, 232
- characters of, 230,242,950
- refringens, 232
- schaudinni, 864
- Spirochætes, 950
- granule shedding by, 231
- of relapsing fever, clinical symptoms evoked by, 242
- cultivation of. 234
- nature of, 232
- species of, 234, 242
- Spleen in malaria, 83
- phagocytosis in, 85
- in malarial cachexia, 91, 95
- Splenic enlargement in kala-azar, 215
- in trypanosomiasis, 172
- index in malarial cachexia, 96
- rupture in malarial cachexia, 96
- vein, blood of, in malaria, 85
- Sporisorium maydis, 444
- Sporoblasts,, 926
- Sporogony, 29, 925
- Sporonts, 925
- Sporozoa, 927, 939
- Sporozoites, 28, 29, 926
- Spotted fever of the Rocky Mountains, 310