Page:Tropical Diseases.djvu/904

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Dicrocælium lanceatum (Stiles and Hassall, 1896)

Synonym.Fasciola lanceolata.

History.D. lanceatum was found by Buchholz in the gall-bladder of man in Germany, and has since been noted in Egypt and Italy. It is found commonly in bile-ducts of animals, especially herbivora, in Europe, Africa, and America.

The parasite.D. lanceatum is a small fluke 8-10 mm. in length by 1·5-2·51 mm. in breadth. It is attenuated anteriorly, and the widest point is just posterior to the yolk-glands. The intestine bifurcates just in front of the genital pore. The testes lie behind the ventral sucker. The ovary

Fig. 194.—Ovum of Fasciolopsis buski, x 250. (Photograph by Dr. J. Bell.)

lies behind the posterior testis; there are a receptaculum seminis and a Laurer's canal. The yolk glands lie in the lateral portion of the middle fifth of the body. The eggs are thick-shelled, yellowish-brown in colour, and measure 38-45 μ by 22-30 μ. Nothing is known of the life-history of the parasite.

Heterophyes heterophyes (Bilh. v. Sieb., 1852)

Synonyms.Distomum heterophyes; Dicrocælium heterophyes; Distoma heterophyes; Heterophyes ægyptiaca; Mesogonimus heterophyes; Cœnogonimus heterophyes; Cotylogonimus heterophyes.

History.Heterophyes heterophyes was discovered in 1851, in Cairo, by Bilharz at the post-mortem of a child.