Page:Tropical Diseases.djvu/909

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small (1·38 mm. broad by 0·47 mm. long), and is provided with an apical sucker (0·16 mm.) in addition to the usual four suckers (0·63 mm.). The neck is very short, and somewhat broader than the scolex. The proglottides are all broader than they are long. Immediately at the back of the scolex they measure 0·16 mm. in length by 1·78 mm. in breadth and 0·59 mm. in thickness; about the middle of the strobila they are 3 mm. long by 9 mm. broad and 1·20 mm. thick. The terminal and gravid strobilæ are 7 mm. long by 12 to 15 mm. broad and 1·35 mm. thick. The genital pores alternate irregularly, and are placed in the middle of the border of each segment. The testicles are very numerous and scattered throughout the middle layer. The vas deferens is much convoluted. The cirrus pouch is pyriform and thick-walled. The cirrus and vagina are beset with bristles directed outwards. The receptaculum seminis is fusiform. The ovary consists of two fan-shaped wings, composed of club-shaped tubes centring towards the shell-gland; the latter is median and globular. The uterus includes a median stem and 15 to 24 lateral, unramified branches, which are longer than the stem, and spread out like a fan. The ova are spherical, the embryophore 31 to 39 by 33·8 μ, with thick radially-striated shell; hooks of the onchosphere measure 7·8 μ in length.

Fig. 199.—Tænia hominis, head.
(After Linstow.)

The cystic stage of this tapeworm is unknown. Linstow suggests that it may be found in the zebu (Bos indicus), the flesh of which the natives are in the habit of eating raw.

Tænia hominis (Linstow, 1902)

History.T. hominis was described by Linstow in 1902, from a specimen obtained from the intestine of man in Aschabad, Asiatic Russia.

The parasite (Fig. 199).—The strobila examined by Linstow was immature; it measured 70 mm. in length. The scolex measured 1·34 mm. in length by 2 mm. in breadth, and exhibited a rudimentary unarmed rostellum. At the back of the suckers there was a characteristic circular ridge. The genital organs were not developed.

The cystic form is unknown.

Tænia philippina (Garrison, 1907)

This parasite was found by Hare in the prison at Biliprid, Manila. It is 80-100 cm. in length. The head is cube-shaped with unarmed retractile rostellum and four suckers. The neck is segmented. The proglottides number about 800; the mature proglottides are 4-5 mm. in width by 0·8-1 mm. in length. The surface and margins extend posteriorly in an elongated