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good disposition and obliging temper, much given to reading, and very desirous of knowledge, delighting to be among books, very eloquent in his speech, and yet addicted to lying, and if he is poor, he is commonly light-fingered.

The hour of the Moon is both good and evil, according to the day; for from the fourth to the seventeenth it is good to those that are born under it; but from the seventeenth to the twentieth it is counted unfortunate to be born under it; and from the twentieth to to the twenty-seventh very happy. He that is born in the hour of the moon (especially upon her own day) shall be pale faced, of a thin meagre visage, with hollow eyes, and of a middling stature; he appears very courteous and obliging, but is very crafty and deceitful, variable in his humour, malicious, and his constitution phlegmatic.

Thus I have given the reader the judgment of ancients upon the planetary hours, and what they portend to those that are born under them, by which a person comparing himself to what is here set down, may easily know under what planet he was born.

Of the Birth of Children with respect to
the Age of the Moon.

To be born on the first day of the new Moon is very fortunate, for to such all things shall succeed well; their sleep will be sweet, and their dreams pleasant; they shall have long life and increase of riches.

A child born the second day of the new Moon shall grow apace, but it will be much inclined to lust, whether it be male or female. On this day also, all thy dreams shall quickly come to pass, whether they be good or bad. It is also good on this day to open a vein if there be occasion.

A child born on the third day of the Moon, shall die soon, or at least short-lived; on this day to begin any work of moment is unfortunate, for it seldom comes to a good conclusion.

On the fourth day of the Moon the child that is born shall prosper in the world, and be of good repute. On this day it is good to begin any enterprise, provided