Page:True humanity usefully exerted.pdf/13

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Allured solely by this expectaion, I went accordingly. The expedition was successful. I did my duty. I was wounded in the course of it, to the extreme danger of my life. I entirely ruined my conſtitution by the severity of the climate; and on my return home was reduced to half-pay, without receiving so much prize-money as defrayed the extraordinary expences of the expedition, and of the illness, which I contracted in it; while those above me accumulated such wealth, as if divided in any degree of proportion, would have recompenſed the labours of us, who had literally borne the heat and burden of the day, and were now pining in discontent and misery, aggravated by a partiality so severely injurious.

In this ſituation, I resolved to throw myself at the feet of my Sovereign, and implore relief from the known goodness of his heart. But his throne was ſurrounded by those whose intereſt it was to keep the cries of his people from coming to his ears; and therefore, as it was neceſſary for me to make my errand known, I never could obtain acceſs to him.

The diſtress of this disappointment was ſtill farther heightened by the delays in the discharge of that half pay, which was now my only support; and the draw-backs it was subject to from the fees of office, even when