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True Humanity uſefully exerted.

Ah! little think the gay licentious proud,
Whom pleaſure, power, and affluence ſurround;
———————How many drink the cup
Of baleful grief, or eat the bitter bread
Of miſery.Sore pierc’d by wintry winds,
How many ſhrink into the ſordid hut
Of cheerleſs poverty.

AS Benevolus was returning home from the Tavern late one night, he was accoſted by a female, who had ſomething in her air and manner ſo different from thoſe out-caſts of humanity, who offer themſelves to caſual proſtitution in the ſtreets, that his curioſity was ſtruck, and he ſtopped to take more particular notice of her. She appeared to be about fifteen. Her figure was elegant, and her features regular; but want had ficklied o’er their beauty; and all the horrors of deſpair gloomed through the languid ſmile ſhe forced when ſhe addreſſed him.

The ſigh of diſtreſs, which never ſtruck his ear without affecting his heart, came with double force from ſuch an object. He viewed her with ſilent compaſſion for ſome