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and both periſhing of want, (heaven grant they are not already dead!) together with two infant brothers, inſenſible of the cauſe of their diſtreſs, and crying to them for a morſel of bread, which it is not in their power to give."——

"Where can ſuch a ſcene of wretchedneſs be hidden from relief? I’ll go with you myſelf directly! but ſtop! let us firſt procure ſome comfortable nouriſhment from ſome of the houſes, which are kept open at this late hour, for a very different purpoſe. Come with me! we have no time to loſe."—With theſe words, he went directly to a tavern, and inquiring what victuals were dreſſed in the houſe, loaded her with as much as ſhe could carry of the beſt, and putting a couple of bottles of wine in his own pockets, walked with her to her habitation, which was in a blind alley, happily for her not very far diſtant, as weakneſs, together with the conflict of paſſions ſtruggling in her heart, made her ſcarce able to go.

When they came to the door, ſhe would have gone up firſt for a light, but he was reſolved to accompany her, that he might ſee the whole ſcene in its genuine colours. He therefore followed her up to the top of the houſe, where opening the door of the garret, ſhe diſcovered to him ſuch a ſcene of miſery, as ſtruck him with aſtoniſhment.