Page:True humanity usefully exerted.pdf/8

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Saying this, he ſat down on the bed-ſide, (for other ſeat the appartment afforded none) between the huſband and wife, with whom he ſpent the little remainder of the night, in ſuch diſcourſe, as he thought moſt likely to divert their attention from their preſent miſery, and inſpire their minds with better hopes, while the children, all but the daughter who hung upon his words, comforted at heart with a better meal, then they had long taſted, fell faſt alleep as they leaned their heads upon their mother’s lap.

As ſoon as it was day, "Now, madam," (ſaid Benevolus, addreſſing himſelf to the mother) "I will go, and provide a place for your reception, as you ſay all places are alike to you. In the mean time accept of this trifle (giving her ten guineas) to provide ſuch neceſſaries, as you may indiſpenſibly want before you remove. When you are ſettled, we will ſee what further can be done. I ſhall be back with you within theſe three hours at moſt."

For ſuch beneficence there was no poſſibility of returning thanks; but their hearts ſpoke through their eyes, in a language ſufficiently intelligible to his. Departing directly to ſave both himſelf and them the pain of purſuing converſation that grew too diſtreſsful, he went without regard to change