Page:True tale of Robin Hood (2).pdf/10

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Should have a thousand merks a-year,
in gold and silver good.

This promise of the king did make
full many a yeoman good,
Attempt bold Robin Hood to take,
with all the force he could :

But still when any came to him,
within the gay green wood.
He soon made them return again,
this yeoman was so good.

He shew'd to then such martial sport,
with his long bow and arrow,
That they of him did give report,
how great it was their sorrow,

That such a worthy man as he,
should thus be put to shrift:
Being late a Lord of high renown,
of living quite bereft

The King to take him, more and more
sent men of muckle might,
But he with steel did beat them fore,
and conquer'd them in fight,

Or else by love and courtesy,
to him he won their hearts,
So that he liv'd by robbery,
in all the northern parts.

And all the country far and near,
of Robin Hood and's men
For stouter lads ne'er liv'd by bread,
in those days nor since then.