Page:True tale of Robin Hood (2).pdf/22

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No roaring gun was then in use,
they dreamt of no such thing
Our Englishmen in fight did chose
the gallant grey goose wing.

In which activity our men,
thro practice were so good
That in those days none equall'd them,
especially Robin Hood.

So that it seems keeping in caves
in woods and forests thick,
They beat a multitude with staves,
their arrows did so prick

And none durst near unto them come,
unless in courtsey
And all such he would fain send home,
with mirth and jolity.

His courtesy won him much love,
as I before have told,
This was the reason he did prove,
more prosperous than he would.

Let us be thankful for these times,
of plenty, truth, and peace,
And leave off great and horrid crimes,
least they cause this to cease.

Let no one think this is a lie,
for wer't put to the worst,
They must the truth of it descry,
in Richard's reign the first.

If any reader please to try,
as I direction shew,